Steven Mackey: Speak Like The People, Write Like The King
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A recording of Steven Mackey’s music, in collaboration with the Borromeo Quartet: Ars Moriendi, ‘Lude, and Gaggle and Flock.
The three pieces on this disc are all for string quartet, or two string quartets (Gaggle and Flock). Ars Moriendi, Latin for ‘the art of dying well’, in 9 sections, is an extremely personal composition, virtually a diary describing the demise of the composer’s father. ‘Lude was written as a companion piece to J.S. Bach’s Contrapunctis XI from “The Art of the Fugue”, and Gaggle and Flock was composed to celebrate collegial bonds between the two excellent quartets that share this recording.
Sound Clips:
Gaggle and Flock [1st Movement]